The pros and cons of social media sites for your brand

The pros and cons of social media sites for your brand

A lot of the top social media apps have been coming out with new updates. Most of these updates have been making those apps very similar. For example, Instagram and Facebook now has a ‘story’ feature just like Snapchat. Since Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook are becoming all quite similar, which one is the best platform for your brand? Here are some pros and cons to help you decide:

1. Snapchat

Pros: This is one of the best apps to use IF you want to reach a younger audience. This means, those of you who are aiming to sell or interact with Generation Z and some of the younger Millennials, Snapchat is the way to go. You can use the story feature to showcase new products or ‘behind-the-scenes’ content. Plus, you can easily communicate with your consumers by replying to any questions or comments they have on the app.

Cons: If your target audience includes individuals that are over the age of 25, Snapchat may not be the best app for your brand, it would be best to try another one.

2. Instagram

Pros: This is the app you want to use for posting high quality pictures of your products to attract new customers. It’s also a great way to show your audience a creative side to your brand. Plus, if your target audience ranges between the ages of 18 to 40, Instagram is a great app to reach them.

Cons: Instagram has many great features but they aren’t very useful if your target audience ranges over the age of 45. According to many statistics, there are not many users on Instagram that are older than 45, thus another app would be better suited for that audience.

3. Facebook

Pros: Facebook has an insane number of users which makes it a great platform to reach many people of all ages. This app is great if you wish to extend your audience and post more content. With Facebook, not only can you use the story feature like on Instagram and Snapchat, but you can also post full-length blog posts, share articles, easily interact with your customers and post pictures.

Cons: Although many individuals are on Facebook, a lot of them have somewhat lost interest in Facebook since it’s ‘old’. So, choosing Facebook as the main social media site for you company might not be the best UNLESS you actively post on another app, such as Instagram, as well.

Overall, those apps are great and can be very useful for your brand if used properly. The important thing is to decide which app would be best for your brand and surround your use of the other apps around the main one. To start this process and create a social media strategy contact us at

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