Summary of Day 2: Mark Zuckerburg, Facebook Advertising & US Congress
- Blog, Digital Marketing, Social Media Management
- 12/04/18

Summary of Day 2: Mark Zuckerburg, Facebook Advertising & US Congress
Today was a much longer 5 hour session with Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook Advertising & US Congress. Just to clarify CEO Mark Zuckerberg was there as a volunteer not by subpoena.
This was a session that tackled questions and concerns from US Congress on Facebook Advertising, Regulations, Inquiries and Ethics.
“Everyone owns their own content online.”
This is what Mark Zuckerberg said when he was asked who owns their virtual selves. Once again, Zuckerberg stated that Facebook does not sell advertising data. He also highlighted that users must be permitted to request a full copy of their information, which they can download.
Next, he apologized for taking down the page ‘Diamond and Silk’. However the organic data on this page has decreased over time because of total changes in the Facebook algorithm and organic reach.
Facebook prohibiting race towards advertising was something they use to do in the past. You could exclude certain ethnic groups in your demographic searches and advertising campaigns, but they have fixed this and as any online business, they are growing and fixing themselves and making themselves better.
The ‘browser act’ Internet player obtain “opt-in” approval for the collection of sensitive information, was another topic quickly discussed. This is the ability for people to opt-in and opt-out of sensitive data collection of their own data.
Another senator and Mark Zuckerberg also encouraged more people to go into computer science and computer programmers.
This Is Not a Facebook Only Issue
“Your business model relys on consumer driven data, you’re not unique .”
‘No congressman, ad based business models have been a common way to offer a free service for a long time’
Facebook Advertising Standards Biased for Politcal Agenda in Previous Election?
- Approved Facebook Ads from Trump Campaign : 5.9 million ads approved
- Approved Ads from Clinton Campaign : 66,000 ads approved
Other Problems That Need to be Solved By Facebook
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