Trello: The Most Underrated Content Calendar Tool

Trello: The Most Underrated Content Calendar Tool

The digital marketing landscape is one that is constantly changing as technology evolves. As a result, a good majority of people in the digital marketing industry will never fully grasp control of their jobs. No matter what digital marketers do or how long they’ve been at it, they are always thinking about the future and whether or not there is a “better way” of dealing daily tasks. From new methods of doing things, to new tools or apps to test, we digital marketers are constantly looking into the future and trying to improve the art and science of digital marketing. This is why today, we will be suggesting digital marketers to consider using Trello as a content calendar if they don’t already do so!


What’s wrong with the way that content is currently being organized?


In the realm of digital marketing, content calendars today are mostly being done on a computer on a spreadsheet. If you are a visual person, managing a content calendar on a spreadsheet can be very frustrating, confusing and can actually make it more difficult for you to manage a content calendar.


I personally never really liked the idea of maintaining a calendar on a spreadsheet…Often, it doesn’t even feel like you are looking at a calendar. This is why I have decided to find out if there are any decent alternatives for maintaining a content calendar and make it more appealing to everyone who might feel overwhelmed when staring at content calendar spreadsheet.


What did I find out?


After researching and experimenting with plenty of possible tools, templates, and all sorts of apps, I came across Trello. If you don’t already know what Trello is, it’s “a collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards. In one glance, Trello tells you what’s being worked on, who’s working on what, and where something is in a process.”

Trello:Calendar view

Now, some of you will know what Trello is but will question the use of Trello as a calendar… until you find out there that there is a calendar plugin you can get for it. This means that your board can also look like:


What we like about Trello:


In theory, with Trello, you could organize your content calendar, and collaborate, without even sending a single slack message. This is great if you’ve got remote workers, colleagues who travel often, or simply working with people who are not in the office!


It is also very simple. Basically, there are three parts to the Trello ‘pipeline’

1- Boards: You can think of them as workspaces (or pipelines)

2- Lists: These are the stages of the pipeline (Idea? In progress? Scheduled?)

3- Cards: These are the items being moved around in the pipeline (your content)


Trello is also extremely mobile friendly, unlike most spreadsheets! which means increased collaboration and easy access when you need it the most. You can also flag each card with different ‘flags’..for example, you could flag a card to categorize it as a blog.


Integrating all of that together and getting the calendar plugin will let you have a pretty visual, highly organized content calendar that looks and feels the way a calendar should feel like.


Oh… and do you know what the best part is? It’s all free.


Will you stop using spreadsheets after reading this? Leave a comment below and tell us what you think!
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