Tips to improve your social media accounts

Tips to improve your social media accounts

Improve social media

When used properly, social media apps can be extremely helpful to businesses and can majorly impact a company’s image and sales. Here are three tips to improve social media accounts in your company.

 1. Keep your content relevant and engaging.

While using social media platforms, it’s important to show your audience that you can educate and entertain them with your content. So, you should be engaging with your audience by using blog posts, articles, sharing/retweeting content and posting relevant content. It’s also important that you intertwine information about your company or products with the content you’re sharing. Always try to find links between what you’re posting and what your company/product does. Lastly, make sure you know what your target audience likes and use that within the content you post.

2. Get more followers by projecting the image of a ‘perfect’ profile.

While creating a social media account, make sure the profiles are aesthetically pleasing and coherent design-wise. Keep updating your profile so that your audience and potential customers see that you’re active. Have a well written bio that explains in a few words what you or your company does to avoid confusion. Use tools to expand your followers and potential client list, which some search engines can offer, or use certain apps to analyze your data. Figure what posts do the best and when the best time is for you to post, then utilize that. If potential followers or consumers see that you have a well-made and popular profile they are more likely to give you their follow.

 3. Create and sustain a relationship with your followers.

Stay active and engage with your followers on your social media accounts. Share information about yourself and your company to your followers so that they feel a connection with you. The closer they feel to you the more likely your followers are to spread a positive image of your company or your products. But, don’t forget to value your followers as they will know if you don’t take the relationship seriously.

Now that you have our three favourite social media tips under your belt, make sure to use them and watch your profiles grow. If you have any questions about social media management, content creation or anything else e-marketing, contact us at

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